So, I thought I'd start this off by telling you a funny story about Tanner, from the other day. We were back at our temporary home and getting ready for bed. Everyone had just gotten into their beds and Tanner comes into our room to use the bathroom. He calls me from the bathroom to tell me that some yucky brown water is coming out of the faucet. I asked him which faucet (meaning the hot water or cold water). He says the one from the mini-sink. I said "what mini-sink?" He said "you know, the sink they wash puppies and babies in". I started laughing - realizing I hadn't taught him what a bidet is. We got a good laugh out of that. By the way - we all think bidet's are gross.
Well, Rick just informed me he needs to use my computer - so I'll have to finish this at a later time. We are in Porto at a hotel. We spent all day yesterday driving the Douro River checking out the areas, trying to find a place to live. LONG DAY!!! Poor Kaylie was car sick - BADLY!!
I think bidet's are gross too! Haha! That is so funny :)